Rosa Sung Ji Chang


Rosa Sung Ji Chang

Location: Baltimore, MD. 

Title: Friends

Materials Used: Indigo-dyed vintage clothes previously bundle dyed with marigold and onion skins. Natural dyed silk worm cocoon

Price: $750

Indigo Species: Polygonum tinctorium (Japanese Indigo)

Source of Indigo: Dye garden at Oak Spring Garden Foundation. Upperville, VA

Primary method used: Applied soy paste resist with brush to the vintage fabric and dyed with the fermented indigo vat. Hand-stitched indigo-dyed and natural silk worm cocoons

Vat type: Applied soy paste resist with brush to the vintage fabric and dyed with the fermented indigo vat. Hand-stitched indigo-dyed and natural silk worm cocoons

Other Methods: Applied soy paste resist with brush to the vintage fabric and dyed with the fermented indigo vat. Hand-stitched indigo-dyed and natural silk worm cocoons

Artist Bio: Rosa has embraced all of her artistic experiments, thoughts, and shows together through her recent public-facing online project Indigo Shade Map.  

Indigo Shade Map is an educational online map and a space for cultural exchanges showing a variety of indigo plants and connecting indigo farmers, dyers, and hobbyists from various cultures in one place. Indigo is thus a metaphor for cultural perspective and plays a pivotal role because it connects everyone on the map. Currently, Rosa cultivates Japanese indigo (Polygonum tinctorium) and other natural dye plants with friends and community, teaches natural dye workshops, consults on indigo-dye productions, and practices its cultural studies in Baltimore, Maryland.

Artist Statement: Rosa Sung Ji Chang is a Korean-born artist focusing on multidisciplinary visual art, textiles, and storytelling. As a storyteller, she has been focusing on research-based visual storytelling that conveys a sustainable balance between humans and the natural world.